- 1What ails the social sciences (2021) (worksinprogress.co)
- 8Ex-NFL star trades the gridiron to grow food for those in need (csmonitor.com)
- 1What to do when it fails? Retry (kevin3010.github.io)
- 31AutoHete: An Automatic and Efficient Heterogeneous Training System for LLMs (arxiv.org)
- 2How to Compare Video Encoders (giannirosato.com)
- 2That Time I Recreated Photoshop in C++ (f055.net)
- 6MAGA Teslas? Elon Musk is upending the politics of EVs (grist.org)
- 4Instagram is now a information network (om.co)
- 4Show HN: Basic Memory – Build a knowledge graph from Claude conversations (github.com)
- 2Body Is Mostly Just a Big Battery (shrsv.github.io)
- 7Ewan Morrison on Elon Musk, brain implants and the danger of tech bros (thetimes.com)
- 99They're Close to My Body: A Hagiography of Nine Inch Nails and Robin Finck (2020) (thewhitereview.org)
- 8I tried the viral $20 strawberry. It tasted like the end of the American empire (theguardian.com)
- 2Why Journalism Is Like Stinky Cheese (honest-broker.com)
- 1Baseball Pitching and Injuries (arnoldkling.substack.com)
- 3The Seed of Elon Khan (edwest.co.uk)
- 2A Smart Home Battery Any Homeowner or Renter Can Install (cnet.com)
- 2Write Macros in Ruby (2015) (pragmaticstudio.com)
- 2A Practical Guide to Postgres Isolation Anomalies and How to Tame Them (dansvetlov.me)
- 6I Hitched a Ride in San Francisco's Newest Robotaxi (wsj.com)
- 8Gone are the days when a 'good job' gets you a house – and now we have the data (theguardian.com)
- 4Setting Up Nix on macOS (nixcademy.com)
- 4Nurse says her Oura ring helped save her life by detecting cancer early (abcnews.go.com)
- 4Ask HN: Anyone else having issues with NoScript on Firefox
ask - 5Gemini Deep Research (gemini.google)
- 16US measles cases reach 5-year high; 15 states report cases, Texas outbreak grows (arstechnica.com)
- 3Mac Source Ports – run old games on new Macs (macsourceports.com)
- 1PObY-A (github.com)
- 3VkQuake – Quake Port in Vulcan for Win, Linux and macOS (github.com)
- 6Political Discussions on HN