35 points | by bo0tzz 7 days ago ago
When i see ZeroMQ in some software i use, i feel my friend Pieter still live in the code.
i have this quote from him in some mail from 2008:
Software obeys the laws of the physics of people.
Well, and his writing. Anyone with an interest in distributed systems should read ZeroMQ "The Guide" even if they don't plan on using ZeroMQ.
> I'm sure one day some large firm will buy GitHub and break it
Big oof
When i see ZeroMQ in some software i use, i feel my friend Pieter still live in the code.
i have this quote from him in some mail from 2008:
Software obeys the laws of the physics of people.
Well, and his writing. Anyone with an interest in distributed systems should read ZeroMQ "The Guide" even if they don't plan on using ZeroMQ.
> I'm sure one day some large firm will buy GitHub and break it
Big oof