5 points | by agnakaraara 3 days ago ago
Who is this team of "European cybersecurity experts"?
What is does the IAP unlock?
What does this do that Termius doesn't or how does this differ from the tools I already use?
"All your hosts, private keys, and passwords are stored in encrypted form on Apple iCloud and never leave your device."
How can data "never leave your device" yet it is stored on Apple iCloud??
Congratulations for shipping! Looks really promising. Is this a SwiftUI wrapper around SwiftTerm?
What does the 10$ in app purchase provide?
Who is this team of "European cybersecurity experts"?
What is does the IAP unlock?
What does this do that Termius doesn't or how does this differ from the tools I already use?
"All your hosts, private keys, and passwords are stored in encrypted form on Apple iCloud and never leave your device."
How can data "never leave your device" yet it is stored on Apple iCloud??
Congratulations for shipping! Looks really promising. Is this a SwiftUI wrapper around SwiftTerm?
What does the 10$ in app purchase provide?