13 points | by RinTohsaka 6 hours ago ago
I thought they had their own currency called BRICS. Don't they use that instead?
Bullshit article, no proofs, nothing but manifesting "it is so! believe me!"
Also, is avoiding international sanctions something to be proud of?
The author's surname is "Bitcoin". Sounds like a ringing endorsement
>international sanctions
And by that you mean sanctions imposed by the US, the EU and some of their allies. I don't think that 15% of the world population living in these countries warrant calling the sanctions "international" as if they are in some way legitimate.
What does “international” mean? That’s just US and EU right? Isn’t every country free to do whatever it likes?
I thought they had their own currency called BRICS. Don't they use that instead?
Bullshit article, no proofs, nothing but manifesting "it is so! believe me!"
Also, is avoiding international sanctions something to be proud of?
The author's surname is "Bitcoin". Sounds like a ringing endorsement
>international sanctions
And by that you mean sanctions imposed by the US, the EU and some of their allies. I don't think that 15% of the world population living in these countries warrant calling the sanctions "international" as if they are in some way legitimate.
What does “international” mean? That’s just US and EU right? Isn’t every country free to do whatever it likes?