Cool tutorial. I was looking at a similar setup that Google uses for it's recaptcha package[1], where, instead of copying the xcframework _into_ the public repo, they host the file on their own infra and set _that_ as the binaryTarget.
So the private repo publishes the framework to S3 or wherever, and then the public repo points to that directly. Might save some time/manual effort when publishing the public package!
Cool tutorial. I was looking at a similar setup that Google uses for it's recaptcha package[1], where, instead of copying the xcframework _into_ the public repo, they host the file on their own infra and set _that_ as the binaryTarget.
So the private repo publishes the framework to S3 or wherever, and then the public repo points to that directly. Might save some time/manual effort when publishing the public package!
[1] -
Hey this is my tutorial, thanks for sharing! Let me know if you have any questions or comments about it, I would really like any feedback!