Congratulations on launching, great idea. Can I ask you about AWS lambda for the email sending. Did you integrate with a third party email service, or node mailer, or just a Gmail (I believe they get throttled at 500 emails per day). Or does AWS send the emails? I'm working on a project that needs emails to go automatically and I'm not sure on the best implementation yet, I'm leaning towards the Gmail option but don't want to hit the limit. Thanks
Sounds cool and it also helps bring to light corruption. So hopefully this business goes out of business soon and we can focus on higher level corruption.
I will sub just to try it. I am more into crypto tbh.
Congratulations on launching, great idea. Can I ask you about AWS lambda for the email sending. Did you integrate with a third party email service, or node mailer, or just a Gmail (I believe they get throttled at 500 emails per day). Or does AWS send the emails? I'm working on a project that needs emails to go automatically and I'm not sure on the best implementation yet, I'm leaning towards the Gmail option but don't want to hit the limit. Thanks
Apply for $1k AWS startup credits my man. You get them pretty quick (couple of days)
Why not set up an actual index fund on this strategy?
Any politician tips that I should follow? I'm new to this idea a bit.
I only trade what I'm willing to lose :)
Sounds cool and it also helps bring to light corruption. So hopefully this business goes out of business soon and we can focus on higher level corruption.
I will sub just to try it. I am more into crypto tbh.
Does this also provide an idea of when to sell? Could it also provide an estimate of profit (percentage)?
Use Gemini Flash 2 instead and call it from either your local computer or digital ocean droplet.
Should nearly eliminate your costs.
You could even write an phone app and do a notification.