The mismanaged records in question belong to a completely separate set of files maintained by the Social Security Administration. They are the Social Security number files. Internally (within the SSA), it is called the Numident file. This is a file of every Social Security number that has ever been issued and some corresponding data about the person to whom that number was issued.
I'm in that file. You're in that file. Anyone who has ever had a Social Security number is in that file. The data in that file comes from the form you filled out when you got your first Social Security card. To refresh your memory (because most people reading this probably got their SSN card 50 or 60 years ago), the form asked for your name, your date and place of birth and your parents' names.
So, all those records (hundreds of millions of them) make up the Numident file. Now, I can't stress enough that the Numident file has nothing to do with other key files maintained by the SSA, such as earnings record files for all working Americans and the beneficiary payment files for everyone getting a monthly Social Security check.
The mismanaged records in question belong to a completely separate set of files maintained by the Social Security Administration. They are the Social Security number files. Internally (within the SSA), it is called the Numident file. This is a file of every Social Security number that has ever been issued and some corresponding data about the person to whom that number was issued.
I'm in that file. You're in that file. Anyone who has ever had a Social Security number is in that file. The data in that file comes from the form you filled out when you got your first Social Security card. To refresh your memory (because most people reading this probably got their SSN card 50 or 60 years ago), the form asked for your name, your date and place of birth and your parents' names.
So, all those records (hundreds of millions of them) make up the Numident file. Now, I can't stress enough that the Numident file has nothing to do with other key files maintained by the SSA, such as earnings record files for all working Americans and the beneficiary payment files for everyone getting a monthly Social Security check.