> SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube: as the name suggests, it skips the sponsorships. I already pay for YouTube Premium, I’d rather not watch any ads, even when embeded in the video.
I really don't understand why YouTube doesn't mandate that content creators make a sponsor-free version for paying premium users. The creators already get much more money for a premium view. Personally I don't subscribe to premium for this reason; if I still have to run blockers (sponsorblock) to really block ads, I might as well run a full adblocker too. And it's not really worth the money then.
YouTube has been doing this a long time but there's more and more sites going like "support us and we'll show you less ads!". No, that's an insta-unsubscribe for me.
The Guardian: https://support.theguardian.com/eu/contribute - "Far fewer asks for support" - Uh this is with the 12 euro per month support plan :X If I'm supporting you already, why do you still need to ask for more?? And they also don't even offer the 'digital edition' newspaper in EU, only the weekly magazine.
> SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube: as the name suggests, it skips the sponsorships. I already pay for YouTube Premium, I’d rather not watch any ads, even when embeded in the video.
I really don't understand why YouTube doesn't mandate that content creators make a sponsor-free version for paying premium users. The creators already get much more money for a premium view. Personally I don't subscribe to premium for this reason; if I still have to run blockers (sponsorblock) to really block ads, I might as well run a full adblocker too. And it's not really worth the money then.
YouTube has been doing this a long time but there's more and more sites going like "support us and we'll show you less ads!". No, that's an insta-unsubscribe for me.
PS As some examples:
The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/subscribe - "Fewer, better ads!"
The Guardian: https://support.theguardian.com/eu/contribute - "Far fewer asks for support" - Uh this is with the 12 euro per month support plan :X If I'm supporting you already, why do you still need to ask for more?? And they also don't even offer the 'digital edition' newspaper in EU, only the weekly magazine.
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