Fascinating. Last week, I was vibe-coding a project turning the US Constitution into TLA+, but eventually ran out of context window.
There is a sense - engineer's disease - that laws can made better by formal specification, but I've learned that is naive. However, still I believe that laws can be made less prone to abuse by red-teaming them. Even if the laws aren't formally specified, the systems can be and that is valuable in its own way.
I'm curious, why have you concluded that it's naive to build a formal model out of a legal document?
I'm not sure about making laws better, but surely a machine can replace lawyers for trivial and well-defined things (where you don't really need a lawyer - and there are a lot of such cases), saving time for a layman person finding appropriate clauses and navigating them while investigating some well-defined (minimally ambiguous and least likely to raise any exceptions) happy paths. Some companies make a lot of money from formalizing tax codes, after all.
To be specific I believe it's naive to think that formally specified laws will be an improvement on the legal system.
I believe laws ultimately are subject to Godel's theorem. They can either be complete or consistent, but not both (and likely neither). We should recognize the difference. A complete legal system can render a verdict in every case. A consistent legal system has no contradictions. We prioritize the former.
What would it look like for a case to be presented to a judge and for them to respond, "We simply cannot determine if this is legal or not." What would you even do in such a scenario? Rather, we have judges render decisions and deal with the consequences that they are inconsistent and we have further cases to untangle those inconsistencies, in an ever growing patchwork of legal epicycles.
I'm not sure I agree with the idea of us prioritizing completeness. I don't think the laws can or need to cover any possible life situation. I mean, there aren't any laws about whenever someone can or cannot wave a toy chainsaw or whenever guests of the Oval Office must wear a costume. We just look at this, make our opinions, but when we need to make a legal one we check out that laws say nothing on the matter, then dismiss it as "nothing against the law" (of course, we can always make or amend the new laws if we think we need some).
I'm not a lawyer, but from my crude understanding I believe it's rather the norm for the laws to be incomplete and have intentional ambiguity so the lawmakers aren't spending their time down the rabbit hole of determining the theory of truth (which they cannot do, if Godel's theorem is applicable - I'm not entirely sure because laws are not really self-defining and we don't have or need it to be a closed system with its own set of axioms and stuff - that'd probably mess up the reasons we have laws), but rather write something that works for the majority of their intent, and leave the edge cases to whoever hits them and goes to the court or legislators. I'd say the whole legal system is deliberately designed to "crash" at an undefined behavior at any time and require a human in the loop to look at it.
So I suspect that consistency makes more sense for a legal system than completeness. We probably want rule of the law to be universal and fair (and thus, more consistent) than complete, because no one needs a law to describe every single life situation. People don't normally think of such law (save for thought experiments), and it would probably violate Kant's categorical imperative (as we'll all become just the means for such law) to design it so. I could argue that it's because life changes with every passing moment, with someone doing something novel and never done before.
I hope I understood you correctly (my apologies if I didn't get something right), and my arguments here make sense.
I want to clarify that I'm considering the legal system as a whole. When I say completeness I'm referring to the legal system's ability to render a judgement: is something legal or illegal? That's different than having a law for every case. We can have ambiguous laws and still have a judge say that something is legal or illegal.
What we don't have or can't have is a court case where the judge says, "The legality of this is indeterminate." Our ability to always render a judgement is completeness.
Hm. I was also thinking about the whole system, and I'm really not sure why a legal system needs to be able to answer such questions.
> What we don't have or can't have is a court case where the judge says, "The legality of this is indeterminate."
Why not? In reality judges can say "the legality of this is not for this court to decide" after all, can't they? And while (IIRC) the Supreme Court must use the law to establish new law, even then they can say "the law says nothing about this - go bug the legislative, not judicial". And then the legislative doesn't really need to use the existing law itself to codify new laws (as I get it, they can even pass laws that contradict the Constitution - it'll be up to the judicial to strike them down as such).
The way I understand how things are in real world, a legal system should be able to state if something is illegal, but it has no need to be able to universally state whenever something is legal or (and doesn't normally do so, save for doing it as a way to make exceptions from broader rules) or not. Kinda like how criminal law decrees one as "guilty" (proven to have done something illegal) or "not guilty" (not proven to have done something illegal) but never declares one innocent (and it doesn't need to - it works without it). Maybe this is where I'm possibly getting confused?
Can you please help me understand why do you think a legal system needs to be able to always answer that legality question, and particularly what's the use case for it (what does such property tries to achieve in practice)?
> There is a sense - engineer's disease - that laws can made better by formal specification, but I've learned that is naive.
We can call it Bentham's disease, and it's what gave everybody civil law outside of the systems descended from the Napoleonic Code (another civil law system.) It's naïve to pretend it's something that can be done in an afternoon, but not to think that it's the ideal we should always be aspiring to.
Henry M. Robert, the creator of Robert's Rules of order, was an engineer, not a lawyer. He took Thomas Jefferson's summary and reorganization of English Parliamentary tradition and precedent, extracted the implicit premises from it, then reconstructed a system for deliberative societies from first principles. We use his system now.
Even with the apparent certainty you get from code like this, it's still ambiguous without external determination.
A newborn infant who, after commencement, is found abandoned in the United Kingdom shall, unless the contrary is shown. be deemed for the purposes of subsection (1)
(a) to have been born in the United Kingdom after commencement and
(b) to have been born to a parent who at the time of the birth was a British citizen or settled in the United Kingdom.
Notice the vague wording of this law: "unless the contrary is shown". Shown by whom? To what standard? What must be shown?
Much of this exists in commonlaw case law, but all of that would need to be codified into any sort of deciding program.
Perhaps a society could be built around this, but we'd have to build so. much. infrastructure. to manage the links between case law and overall law.
Such examples can be found all over UK law, it is, as you say in effect a by-product of the common law system.
But also it also comes from the way legislation is written in the UK...
1. A member of parliament (MP) brings a "bill" to Parliament proposing a new law or a chnge in the law.
2. If it has legs, then it will end up being debated in Parliament
3. Almost always politics starts coming into play and MPs of all parties will usually propose real or party-political amendements to the bill which are then debated and voted on.
4. You then have a ping-pong process with the upper house (Lords), stuff goes back and forth between Lords and Commons ... more amendements are made along the way.
5. Finally once everyone has come to some sort of agreement it goes to the monarch to be signed into law (this is purely ceremonial, the document is presented to the monarch as a done-deal).
So that's why you end up with all these messy looking and almost incomprehensible pieces of legislation, there's quite a lot of "too many chefs" going on at every stage apart from the first and last.
Therefore as you point out it looking at UK law in the absence of case law is a fool's errand.
It is also where good barristers are worth their money because they are know the case-law like the back of their hand, and if there is no case law for your situation, they will have a good handle on the "letter and spirit" of the law in question and hence your prospects if it goes to court.
Most important legislation, including the BNA, is government legislation (indeed, see the white paper: https://www.uniset.ca/naty/maternity/wpaper.pdf). It is therefore drafted by parliamentary counsel, whose advice remains available when amendments are proposed. Most governments also command sufficient majorities to push this kind of legislation through, or at least to come to consensus on amendments. The relevant passage seems clear enough that parliamentary counsel could have drafted it and so I doubt there were ‘too many chefs’ as you put it (although I haven’t checked Hansard).
It is also hard to see what these drafting habits have to do with the common law system. Points 1–5 could be true of a legislature in pretty much any legal tradition.
Moreover, the HoL and the "ping pong" process actually gives the legislation a chance to be refined, as the lords are less motivated by party politics and more able to focus on getting good legislation through. I've heard a number of complaints about the current system that basically say that without the HoL, the quality of legislation would be significantly poorer, and that there needs to be more work done on getting bills written properly in the first place when they get proposed in the House of Commons.
> "unless the contrary is shown". Shown by whom? To what standard? What must be shown?
I have no idea about British law, but... As I get it, here we see the fallback logic that defines some defaults when dealing with lack of information (an abandoned newborn). Here we don't know newborn's nationality, so we must make an assumption - the lawmakers decided they didn't want to have proverbial NULLs in here.
- "What must be shown?" - I could be misunderstanding things (especially because English is not my native language), but I believe the intent here is pretty clear. To me it reads as applicability scope, constraining when the fallback kicks in, so we don't create logical contradictions. My understanding is that it says that if there's a known fact that contradicts (a) or (b) it would make those defaults inapplicable - which is logical, because we can't proceed to assume A if we know that ¬A is true. E.g. if there's a known fact (say, a DNA test or a witness testimony or some other evidence) that confirms e.g. that the infant's parent wasn't and isn't a British citizen or permanent resident, this piece won't apply and we won't consider infant to have been born of such father. I think the program at the bottom of the page 374 (page 5 in the PDF) agrees with me on this.
- "Shown by whom?" - as this is clearly unspecified, can't we safely assume that the existence of the fact alone is what should affect the execution flow, not who brought this fact to the light? That is, I believe it reads so anyone or anything can show it, but only the fact (and its truthfulness) itself matters. Again, don't see the issue here - but I'm curious if you have alternative interpretations how it could be read?
- "To what standard?" - this is the only real ambiguity here. Probably because the lawmakers writing the act weren't exactly capable or even aiming to figure out the theory of truth for a natural language. As I get it, for the legal stuff it's pretty normal to have undefined behaviors and return to them when they are triggered and someone is unhappy about the outcome and goes to the court to follow up and clarify the details. When we're rendering laws as machine programs, we mustn't forget what they apply to - to the society governed by those laws. Unless we're running a simulation, the society is external to the program - and it's the only sane design (that doesn't violate Kant's categorical imperative, so the laws should not treat the society as means to some goal but as the goal itself - if I understand the idea correctly, please correct me if I don't) that any or almost any statement may raise an exception-like situation that would require a human to look into it and fix (thus always deferring ultimate legislating to a rational being's will). In other words, it's our usual "I don't want to think too much about this edge case, gotta ship this thing already, so we'll get to this later if we get an error report". This is the universal mechanism that applies not just to this particular question, but to the other questions above that I thought are clear, if someone disagrees.
Really fun to see this shared here! It is one of the most famous examples of rule-based reasoning in the field of AI & Law. The other option is case-based reasoning, where the starting point is cases - see e.g. HYPO [0].
Rule-based reasoning can be very powerful, as understanding and navigating legislation can be challenging and time-consuming. One limitation is overcoming a number of ambiguities, including:
- Unclear structure - sometimes, when reading legislation, the logical components of a legal article is not always entirely clear. Language is not like code, and even straightforward articles can have multiple possible interpretations [1].
- Open-textured legal terms - the law often has so-called open-textured terms (e.g. "reasonable"), which require an assessment on a case-by-case basis. Encoding such terms into logical rules is very hard, as they require a nuanced application. In my own work, I try to overcome this limitation by providing examples of how a specific term was applied from previous cases [2].
I am very interested to see how rule-based reasoning will evolve in light of generative AI. As you can imagine, mapping rules to a logical representation can be quite tedious, but LLM seems to be able to at least give a good draft as a starting point [3]. LLMs could also help reason with open-textured terms [4].
[0] Ashley, Kevin D, “Reasoning with cases and hypotheticals in HYPO” Crossref (1991) 34:6 International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 753–796.
[1] Ashley, Kevin D, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Analytics: New Tools for Law Practice in the Digital Age, 1st ed (Cambridge University Press, 2017) p.45.
[2] Westermann, Hannes & Karim Benyekhlef, JusticeBot: A Methodology for Building Augmented Intelligence Tools for Laypeople to Increase Access to Justice (Braga Portugal: ACM, 2023). https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02032
[3] Janatian, Samyar et al, “From Text to Structure: Using Large Language Models to Support the Development of Legal Expert Systems” arXiv.org (2023), online: <http://arxiv.org/abs/2311.04911>.
[4] Westermann, Hannes, “Dallma: Semi-Structured Legal Reasoning and Drafting with Large Language Models” (2024) 2nd Workshop on Generative AI and Law, colocated with the International Conference on Machine Learning, online: <https://blog.genlaw.org/pdfs/genlaw_icml2024/58.pdf>.
This has me wondering about converting law into source code, running it through something like Coq or Agda and finding logical contradictions that need resolution.
Not sure that would be feasible (e.g. if those languages would even be capable of doing such a thing), or how much computing power you'd need to churn through however many thousands of pages of something like the US Code and process that all.
the BNA is even more complex today after some additional changes
as a British person living abroad who gave birth to a child abroad, it took me a lot of time and mental energy to determine
- what type of British nationality I am (yes, really)
- how that affects my child as she was born abroad
- how that affects any children she has in the future
varying circumstance around birth of all the people listed above change whether they are British citizens automatically, by application or simply not eligible at all
Fascinating. Last week, I was vibe-coding a project turning the US Constitution into TLA+, but eventually ran out of context window.
There is a sense - engineer's disease - that laws can made better by formal specification, but I've learned that is naive. However, still I believe that laws can be made less prone to abuse by red-teaming them. Even if the laws aren't formally specified, the systems can be and that is valuable in its own way.
I'm curious, why have you concluded that it's naive to build a formal model out of a legal document?
I'm not sure about making laws better, but surely a machine can replace lawyers for trivial and well-defined things (where you don't really need a lawyer - and there are a lot of such cases), saving time for a layman person finding appropriate clauses and navigating them while investigating some well-defined (minimally ambiguous and least likely to raise any exceptions) happy paths. Some companies make a lot of money from formalizing tax codes, after all.
To be specific I believe it's naive to think that formally specified laws will be an improvement on the legal system.
I believe laws ultimately are subject to Godel's theorem. They can either be complete or consistent, but not both (and likely neither). We should recognize the difference. A complete legal system can render a verdict in every case. A consistent legal system has no contradictions. We prioritize the former.
What would it look like for a case to be presented to a judge and for them to respond, "We simply cannot determine if this is legal or not." What would you even do in such a scenario? Rather, we have judges render decisions and deal with the consequences that they are inconsistent and we have further cases to untangle those inconsistencies, in an ever growing patchwork of legal epicycles.
Thank you!
I'm not sure I agree with the idea of us prioritizing completeness. I don't think the laws can or need to cover any possible life situation. I mean, there aren't any laws about whenever someone can or cannot wave a toy chainsaw or whenever guests of the Oval Office must wear a costume. We just look at this, make our opinions, but when we need to make a legal one we check out that laws say nothing on the matter, then dismiss it as "nothing against the law" (of course, we can always make or amend the new laws if we think we need some).
I'm not a lawyer, but from my crude understanding I believe it's rather the norm for the laws to be incomplete and have intentional ambiguity so the lawmakers aren't spending their time down the rabbit hole of determining the theory of truth (which they cannot do, if Godel's theorem is applicable - I'm not entirely sure because laws are not really self-defining and we don't have or need it to be a closed system with its own set of axioms and stuff - that'd probably mess up the reasons we have laws), but rather write something that works for the majority of their intent, and leave the edge cases to whoever hits them and goes to the court or legislators. I'd say the whole legal system is deliberately designed to "crash" at an undefined behavior at any time and require a human in the loop to look at it.
So I suspect that consistency makes more sense for a legal system than completeness. We probably want rule of the law to be universal and fair (and thus, more consistent) than complete, because no one needs a law to describe every single life situation. People don't normally think of such law (save for thought experiments), and it would probably violate Kant's categorical imperative (as we'll all become just the means for such law) to design it so. I could argue that it's because life changes with every passing moment, with someone doing something novel and never done before.
I hope I understood you correctly (my apologies if I didn't get something right), and my arguments here make sense.
I want to clarify that I'm considering the legal system as a whole. When I say completeness I'm referring to the legal system's ability to render a judgement: is something legal or illegal? That's different than having a law for every case. We can have ambiguous laws and still have a judge say that something is legal or illegal.
What we don't have or can't have is a court case where the judge says, "The legality of this is indeterminate." Our ability to always render a judgement is completeness.
Hm. I was also thinking about the whole system, and I'm really not sure why a legal system needs to be able to answer such questions.
> What we don't have or can't have is a court case where the judge says, "The legality of this is indeterminate."
Why not? In reality judges can say "the legality of this is not for this court to decide" after all, can't they? And while (IIRC) the Supreme Court must use the law to establish new law, even then they can say "the law says nothing about this - go bug the legislative, not judicial". And then the legislative doesn't really need to use the existing law itself to codify new laws (as I get it, they can even pass laws that contradict the Constitution - it'll be up to the judicial to strike them down as such).
The way I understand how things are in real world, a legal system should be able to state if something is illegal, but it has no need to be able to universally state whenever something is legal or (and doesn't normally do so, save for doing it as a way to make exceptions from broader rules) or not. Kinda like how criminal law decrees one as "guilty" (proven to have done something illegal) or "not guilty" (not proven to have done something illegal) but never declares one innocent (and it doesn't need to - it works without it). Maybe this is where I'm possibly getting confused?
Can you please help me understand why do you think a legal system needs to be able to always answer that legality question, and particularly what's the use case for it (what does such property tries to achieve in practice)?
> There is a sense - engineer's disease - that laws can made better by formal specification, but I've learned that is naive.
We can call it Bentham's disease, and it's what gave everybody civil law outside of the systems descended from the Napoleonic Code (another civil law system.) It's naïve to pretend it's something that can be done in an afternoon, but not to think that it's the ideal we should always be aspiring to.
Henry M. Robert, the creator of Robert's Rules of order, was an engineer, not a lawyer. He took Thomas Jefferson's summary and reorganization of English Parliamentary tradition and precedent, extracted the implicit premises from it, then reconstructed a system for deliberative societies from first principles. We use his system now.
see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Dudley_Field_II
also: "Formalizing Robert's Rules of Order: An Experiment in Automating Mediation of Group Decision Making" https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/869694
Even with the apparent certainty you get from code like this, it's still ambiguous without external determination.
A newborn infant who, after commencement, is found abandoned in the United Kingdom shall, unless the contrary is shown. be deemed for the purposes of subsection (1)
Notice the vague wording of this law: "unless the contrary is shown". Shown by whom? To what standard? What must be shown?Much of this exists in commonlaw case law, but all of that would need to be codified into any sort of deciding program.
Perhaps a society could be built around this, but we'd have to build so. much. infrastructure. to manage the links between case law and overall law.
Such examples can be found all over UK law, it is, as you say in effect a by-product of the common law system.
But also it also comes from the way legislation is written in the UK...
So that's why you end up with all these messy looking and almost incomprehensible pieces of legislation, there's quite a lot of "too many chefs" going on at every stage apart from the first and last.Therefore as you point out it looking at UK law in the absence of case law is a fool's errand.
It is also where good barristers are worth their money because they are know the case-law like the back of their hand, and if there is no case law for your situation, they will have a good handle on the "letter and spirit" of the law in question and hence your prospects if it goes to court.
Most important legislation, including the BNA, is government legislation (indeed, see the white paper: https://www.uniset.ca/naty/maternity/wpaper.pdf). It is therefore drafted by parliamentary counsel, whose advice remains available when amendments are proposed. Most governments also command sufficient majorities to push this kind of legislation through, or at least to come to consensus on amendments. The relevant passage seems clear enough that parliamentary counsel could have drafted it and so I doubt there were ‘too many chefs’ as you put it (although I haven’t checked Hansard).
It is also hard to see what these drafting habits have to do with the common law system. Points 1–5 could be true of a legislature in pretty much any legal tradition.
Moreover, the HoL and the "ping pong" process actually gives the legislation a chance to be refined, as the lords are less motivated by party politics and more able to focus on getting good legislation through. I've heard a number of complaints about the current system that basically say that without the HoL, the quality of legislation would be significantly poorer, and that there needs to be more work done on getting bills written properly in the first place when they get proposed in the House of Commons.
> "unless the contrary is shown". Shown by whom? To what standard? What must be shown?
I have no idea about British law, but... As I get it, here we see the fallback logic that defines some defaults when dealing with lack of information (an abandoned newborn). Here we don't know newborn's nationality, so we must make an assumption - the lawmakers decided they didn't want to have proverbial NULLs in here.
- "What must be shown?" - I could be misunderstanding things (especially because English is not my native language), but I believe the intent here is pretty clear. To me it reads as applicability scope, constraining when the fallback kicks in, so we don't create logical contradictions. My understanding is that it says that if there's a known fact that contradicts (a) or (b) it would make those defaults inapplicable - which is logical, because we can't proceed to assume A if we know that ¬A is true. E.g. if there's a known fact (say, a DNA test or a witness testimony or some other evidence) that confirms e.g. that the infant's parent wasn't and isn't a British citizen or permanent resident, this piece won't apply and we won't consider infant to have been born of such father. I think the program at the bottom of the page 374 (page 5 in the PDF) agrees with me on this.
- "Shown by whom?" - as this is clearly unspecified, can't we safely assume that the existence of the fact alone is what should affect the execution flow, not who brought this fact to the light? That is, I believe it reads so anyone or anything can show it, but only the fact (and its truthfulness) itself matters. Again, don't see the issue here - but I'm curious if you have alternative interpretations how it could be read?
- "To what standard?" - this is the only real ambiguity here. Probably because the lawmakers writing the act weren't exactly capable or even aiming to figure out the theory of truth for a natural language. As I get it, for the legal stuff it's pretty normal to have undefined behaviors and return to them when they are triggered and someone is unhappy about the outcome and goes to the court to follow up and clarify the details. When we're rendering laws as machine programs, we mustn't forget what they apply to - to the society governed by those laws. Unless we're running a simulation, the society is external to the program - and it's the only sane design (that doesn't violate Kant's categorical imperative, so the laws should not treat the society as means to some goal but as the goal itself - if I understand the idea correctly, please correct me if I don't) that any or almost any statement may raise an exception-like situation that would require a human to look into it and fix (thus always deferring ultimate legislating to a rational being's will). In other words, it's our usual "I don't want to think too much about this edge case, gotta ship this thing already, so we'll get to this later if we get an error report". This is the universal mechanism that applies not just to this particular question, but to the other questions above that I thought are clear, if someone disagrees.
Really fun to see this shared here! It is one of the most famous examples of rule-based reasoning in the field of AI & Law. The other option is case-based reasoning, where the starting point is cases - see e.g. HYPO [0].
Rule-based reasoning can be very powerful, as understanding and navigating legislation can be challenging and time-consuming. One limitation is overcoming a number of ambiguities, including:
- Unclear structure - sometimes, when reading legislation, the logical components of a legal article is not always entirely clear. Language is not like code, and even straightforward articles can have multiple possible interpretations [1].
- Open-textured legal terms - the law often has so-called open-textured terms (e.g. "reasonable"), which require an assessment on a case-by-case basis. Encoding such terms into logical rules is very hard, as they require a nuanced application. In my own work, I try to overcome this limitation by providing examples of how a specific term was applied from previous cases [2].
I am very interested to see how rule-based reasoning will evolve in light of generative AI. As you can imagine, mapping rules to a logical representation can be quite tedious, but LLM seems to be able to at least give a good draft as a starting point [3]. LLMs could also help reason with open-textured terms [4].
[0] Ashley, Kevin D, “Reasoning with cases and hypotheticals in HYPO” Crossref (1991) 34:6 International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 753–796.
[1] Ashley, Kevin D, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Analytics: New Tools for Law Practice in the Digital Age, 1st ed (Cambridge University Press, 2017) p.45.
[2] Westermann, Hannes & Karim Benyekhlef, JusticeBot: A Methodology for Building Augmented Intelligence Tools for Laypeople to Increase Access to Justice (Braga Portugal: ACM, 2023). https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02032
[3] Janatian, Samyar et al, “From Text to Structure: Using Large Language Models to Support the Development of Legal Expert Systems” arXiv.org (2023), online: <http://arxiv.org/abs/2311.04911>.
[4] Westermann, Hannes, “Dallma: Semi-Structured Legal Reasoning and Drafting with Large Language Models” (2024) 2nd Workshop on Generative AI and Law, colocated with the International Conference on Machine Learning, online: <https://blog.genlaw.org/pdfs/genlaw_icml2024/58.pdf>.
This has me wondering about converting law into source code, running it through something like Coq or Agda and finding logical contradictions that need resolution.
Not sure that would be feasible (e.g. if those languages would even be capable of doing such a thing), or how much computing power you'd need to churn through however many thousands of pages of something like the US Code and process that all.
I suppose Prolog would also do very well at this, considering that's the topic of the post, and it's main purpose is logic.
A previous submission on the original title, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10518507
the BNA is even more complex today after some additional changes
as a British person living abroad who gave birth to a child abroad, it took me a lot of time and mental energy to determine
- what type of British nationality I am (yes, really)
- how that affects my child as she was born abroad
- how that affects any children she has in the future
varying circumstance around birth of all the people listed above change whether they are British citizens automatically, by application or simply not eligible at all
the legislation feels very messy to me