2 points | by susam a day ago ago
This can be used to decorate endpoints to log a known caller, like ?from_svc=telemetry, to help distinguish among multiple callers.
Unfortunately, it also makes the request busy from a human-readable view. Then again, a request missing the from_svc query param is also a signal.
It could be a form of low-level needs leaking into clean URLs. Aesthetics between human versus machine and machine versus machine (microservices).
What if in the future, the browser and OS elide URLs to be just buttons or voice-triggered? We wouldn't know at all to which host a link goes.
This can be used to decorate endpoints to log a known caller, like ?from_svc=telemetry, to help distinguish among multiple callers.
Unfortunately, it also makes the request busy from a human-readable view. Then again, a request missing the from_svc query param is also a signal.
It could be a form of low-level needs leaking into clean URLs. Aesthetics between human versus machine and machine versus machine (microservices).
What if in the future, the browser and OS elide URLs to be just buttons or voice-triggered? We wouldn't know at all to which host a link goes.