I have previously used graph-easy[1] to turn Graphviz/DOT files into ASCII for code comments. It is great for state machines or explaining the relationship between different systems or classes, and if you check in the DOT file alongside the code, it is not too difficult to update later if something changes.
I have previously used graph-easy[1] to turn Graphviz/DOT files into ASCII for code comments. It is great for state machines or explaining the relationship between different systems or classes, and if you check in the DOT file alongside the code, it is not too difficult to update later if something changes.
[1] https://metacpan.org/release/TELS/Graph-Easy-0.64/view/bin/g...
Interesting. I haven't come across this one before. I always found auto-rendering ones to be annoyingly less predictable. Thanks for sharing.
This is pure genius! Interactiy building ASCII diagrams!! Well executed
Thank you! I’m hoping the short link feature makes it useful over time / maintainable which would otherwise be tricky for when code changes.