This looks like a surprisingly nice web server framework.
It is a pity that TCL Shell (tclsh) didn't become the default shell over bash. TCL was released before bash but I am unsure if tclsh was bundled with it at the time.
Throwing out NaviServer too. A fork of AOLs old powerhouse aolserver which was a buy out from NaviSoft. NaviServer decided to go back to the original name.
For context here: Löve is a well known Lua game library. I was assuming the ä here was inspired by that. The domain though of the project is in fact supposed to be called “Tänzer” should be “taenzer”.
Hi there! Author here. I don't really have anything to say, other than, I am very happy to see the love. Thank you.
This looks like a surprisingly nice web server framework.
It is a pity that TCL Shell (tclsh) didn't become the default shell over bash. TCL was released before bash but I am unsure if tclsh was bundled with it at the time.
I would love an alternate timeline where we got Tcl in the browser instead of JavaScript.
Oh my. :( I wish...
Bourne shell compatibility is a killer feature after all. But I certainly prefer Tcl over PowerShell/rc/xonsh and others that didn't bother with this.
If Tcl had fixed its exec (cf &, I think it could have really worked as a shell.
Throwing out NaviServer too. A fork of AOLs old powerhouse aolserver which was a buy out from NaviSoft. NaviServer decided to go back to the original name.
Btw, Tänzer is German for "dancer."
At least that makes more sense than löve.
Are the rest of you not using the word love for your throwaway variables? I thought that's what we were referencing with that one
For context here: Löve is a well known Lua game library. I was assuming the ä here was inspired by that. The domain though of the project is in fact supposed to be called “Tänzer” should be “taenzer”.
Thank you! I appreciate the vital feedback.
Not many people may know this, but in the $$$ F5 firewall appliances TCL must be used for scripting the appliance behaviour.