Quoting the pesticide in question:
> Fenamiphos : Non-renewal of the active substance
A nematicide used to kill plant parasite roundworm and
thrips infestation in fruiting vegetables (i.e. tomato,
aubergine, cucumber, pepper and courgette), herbaceous
ornamentals and in nursery stock (both perennial and
herbaceous species).
Effective date: 23 Sept., 2020 (for non-approval
of substance); 23 March, 2021 (for withdrawal of
authorization of plant protection products); 23 Sept.,
2021 (for grace period given if any).
Reason for non-approval: Potential acute risk
for consumers - despite of incomplete data, was
identified for all the representative uses concerning
fruiting vegetables.
Usage in India: Used in wide variety of vegetables
such as okra, cauliflowers etc. and fruit crops.
Good find! Everything stated here sounds deeply familiar. At the start of COVID I did a literature review of epidemiology and was blown away by how corrupt it seems to be as a field. Evidence simply being made up, circular definitions of disease and lots of cover-ups seem to be common.
Around the time this article was published the UK had an outbreak of foot and mouth disease, triggering a terrible government response that was also based on the most absurd pseudo-science. Lots of similarities too this story. Yet they never learned anything from it.
Still, it's hard to be fully convinced by the journalist's / renegade scientists' alternative theory, seeing as the evidence seems to boil down to "trust me bro". Especially as the symptoms and timeline sound rather like what you'd expect from a transmitted pathogen rather than food poisoning. The justification for it being food related never seen to be given after the official theory was dismissed.
Thank you! I had a very similar feeling, as I had read another long-format investigative report on Covid (I don’t remember where I put the link now), which especially paralleled the Lancet magazine and high profile officials!
See also previous discussion in 2016: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12069662
One commenter shows that this was caused by Bayer Nemacur (an anti-nematode pesticide), a pesticide which was only banned in 2021(!) https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2020/1246/oj
Here is an overview over the EU pesticide regulation updates: https://indianembassybrussels.gov.in/pdf/Pesticide_Monitorin...
Quoting the pesticide in question: > Fenamiphos : Non-renewal of the active substance A nematicide used to kill plant parasite roundworm and thrips infestation in fruiting vegetables (i.e. tomato, aubergine, cucumber, pepper and courgette), herbaceous ornamentals and in nursery stock (both perennial and herbaceous species).
Effective date: 23 Sept., 2020 (for non-approval of substance); 23 March, 2021 (for withdrawal of authorization of plant protection products); 23 Sept., 2021 (for grace period given if any).
Reason for non-approval: Potential acute risk for consumers - despite of incomplete data, was identified for all the representative uses concerning fruiting vegetables.
Usage in India: Used in wide variety of vegetables such as okra, cauliflowers etc. and fruit crops.
Good find! Everything stated here sounds deeply familiar. At the start of COVID I did a literature review of epidemiology and was blown away by how corrupt it seems to be as a field. Evidence simply being made up, circular definitions of disease and lots of cover-ups seem to be common.
Around the time this article was published the UK had an outbreak of foot and mouth disease, triggering a terrible government response that was also based on the most absurd pseudo-science. Lots of similarities too this story. Yet they never learned anything from it.
Still, it's hard to be fully convinced by the journalist's / renegade scientists' alternative theory, seeing as the evidence seems to boil down to "trust me bro". Especially as the symptoms and timeline sound rather like what you'd expect from a transmitted pathogen rather than food poisoning. The justification for it being food related never seen to be given after the official theory was dismissed.
Thank you! I had a very similar feeling, as I had read another long-format investigative report on Covid (I don’t remember where I put the link now), which especially paralleled the Lancet magazine and high profile officials!