The problem with these GenZ statistics is that they don't compare to Millennials and other generations at the same age.
Comparing loneliness with millennials now does not normalize for the age gap and the difference in life stages.
For example, many millennials graduated in the 2008 financial crisis and had it much worse than GenZ which mostly graduated into a booming economy (US).
Sometimes I feel like the economy never recovered from the 2008 financial crisis. I got gut punched into the adulthood by the financial crisis and at that time there was a lot of talk about the japanese lost decade. My first thought back then was "so this is going to be our lost decade huh". I'm good now but I can't say I had a lot of fun in my 20s.
The problem with these GenZ statistics is that they don't compare to Millennials and other generations at the same age.
Comparing loneliness with millennials now does not normalize for the age gap and the difference in life stages.
For example, many millennials graduated in the 2008 financial crisis and had it much worse than GenZ which mostly graduated into a booming economy (US).
Sometimes I feel like the economy never recovered from the 2008 financial crisis. I got gut punched into the adulthood by the financial crisis and at that time there was a lot of talk about the japanese lost decade. My first thought back then was "so this is going to be our lost decade huh". I'm good now but I can't say I had a lot of fun in my 20s.
> as Will Smith, a Gen Xer, famously groused, "Parents just don't understand!"
But luckily for him Chris Rock understood and didn't press charges.
> no one in history has been rejected more than Gen Z
Yeah, no.
> they took an intensive nine-month coding boot camp
They fell for a scam, I'll give them that.
Never in history have so many immigrated to the US. Way to go screwing over your own kids.
My father was foreign-born, and immigrated to the US, where I was born.
Did the immigration authorities then screw over their own kids by letting him in?
Did the US screw over their own kids by accepting Cuban refugees during the 1960s? By accepting Hmong refugees in the 1970s?
During 1860-1910 the percentage of foreign-born in the US was about 14% - very close to the current percentage. Did the US screw over their kids then?