For those interested in the technical implementation:
I built VeloPlanner with my favorite tech stack: Elixir/Phoenix, React, and MapLibre GL JS. The architecture is a hybrid approach:
- Phoenix controllers for static content (route guides, listings)
- Phoenix LiveView for most of the forms
- React for the planner and interactive maps where high performance is critical
One of the bigger technical challenges was self-hosting all the infrastructure - I'm running my own map tile server and routing engine (Graphhopper) on beefy servers with lots of RAM to maintain full control over the cycling-specific routing algorithms. The memory requirements are substantial, especially for processing large-scale route data across multiple regions.
This approach lets me customize the routing to prioritize official cycling routes while still giving users flexibility when planning custom segments.
Happy to dive deeper into any specific aspect if there's interest!
Well, not much at the moment :) It's still all very fresh and I guess logging and observability is afterthought. I'm hosting app on Heroku which provides some basics.
Thanks! I'm finalizing paid subscriptions and premium features. Then I will move my focus on mobile app which is kind of requirement for outdoor platform.
This looks great, I've considered building something similar myself many times but won't have to anymore!
I like to stick to quiet backroads and nothing currently on the market does a good job of hinting at what will be a quiet/less traveled road.
Good luck!
Thank you. Touring profile tries to stick to the marked cycling trails so they should be quite roads.
For those interested in the technical implementation: I built VeloPlanner with my favorite tech stack: Elixir/Phoenix, React, and MapLibre GL JS. The architecture is a hybrid approach:
- Phoenix controllers for static content (route guides, listings)
- Phoenix LiveView for most of the forms
- React for the planner and interactive maps where high performance is critical
One of the bigger technical challenges was self-hosting all the infrastructure - I'm running my own map tile server and routing engine (Graphhopper) on beefy servers with lots of RAM to maintain full control over the cycling-specific routing algorithms. The memory requirements are substantial, especially for processing large-scale route data across multiple regions.
This approach lets me customize the routing to prioritize official cycling routes while still giving users flexibility when planning custom segments.
Happy to dive deeper into any specific aspect if there's interest!
Curious to understand what do you use, if any, for logging and observability!
Well, not much at the moment :) It's still all very fresh and I guess logging and observability is afterthought. I'm hosting app on Heroku which provides some basics.
Cool stuff! What's your current focus on, and what are your plans for the near future?
And congrats on the jump. It takes courage to go solo :)
Thanks! I'm finalizing paid subscriptions and premium features. Then I will move my focus on mobile app which is kind of requirement for outdoor platform.
Very cool and looks great. Good luck going forward!
Thank you