I can't speak to the UK, but here in the US the police love telling you it's not their problem to avoid doing their job. Here, I would push the police to actually take down a report.
Something was stolen from you. A crime was committed.
I had this exact thing happen to me, and never found a real solution. It was one of a couple of events that led me to cancelling my Amazon account and stop using them.
> Now they acknowledge the item must have been stolen.
Perhaps go back to the police with a printout of that and make it very clear to them that Amazon have investigated and concluded that the item was stolen, hence you reporting a theft.
Next step if that doesn't work might be to escalate to your PCC after having contacted your local newspaper to run an article first, ideally with a picture of you looking cross on your doorstep ;)
It is poor form of Amazon to make you jump through hoops if they acknowledge that it is in effect their fault. It is poor form of the police, too, but unfortunately not surprising.
I can't speak to the UK, but here in the US the police love telling you it's not their problem to avoid doing their job. Here, I would push the police to actually take down a report.
Something was stolen from you. A crime was committed.
I had this exact thing happen to me, and never found a real solution. It was one of a couple of events that led me to cancelling my Amazon account and stop using them.
> Now they acknowledge the item must have been stolen.
Perhaps go back to the police with a printout of that and make it very clear to them that Amazon have investigated and concluded that the item was stolen, hence you reporting a theft.
Next step if that doesn't work might be to escalate to your PCC after having contacted your local newspaper to run an article first, ideally with a picture of you looking cross on your doorstep ;)
It is poor form of Amazon to make you jump through hoops if they acknowledge that it is in effect their fault. It is poor form of the police, too, but unfortunately not surprising.
Check the Citizen's Advice Bureau. They may be able to help you on this one and offer legal advice.