Yup, the distance to the nearest primary school is 0.6km (0.38mi), to the nearest secondary school 2.3km (1.43mi). Most kids can manage that on their own after age 8 or so.
I recently started walking to work, because by bike it is only 11 minutes and I felt I did not get enough exersize. Walking takes up about 33 minutes for the same distance. With my precious job, it took me abou 25 minutes biking to work. I think that the travel time is an important factor in the selected mode of transportation.
Most cities in North America built in the XX century were deliberately built with the car in mind. The suburb doesn't make sense without cars, unless of course you have a very good local train network (which in the USA is almost close to impossible to find nowadays). You can see the opposite issue in Europe, too: very old cities are a nightmare to travel in a car, my city has existed for >2000 years and because of that the city centre has a lot of roads that only make sense if you expect most people to walk or at most ride a horse
Many things have happened since 2016 or 2018. It is much more busy on cyclepaths since corona. There don't seems to be data that is easily accessible. If someone can read CBS Statline, please tell more.
Sort of clickbaity. Article seems to say: The dutch bike all the time, usually short distances.
The main shtick is that we can walk/cycle to most destinations.
If you can walk there, there's a big chance you an cycle there as well. In that case, why not bike to your location and save 10-15 mins?
Most kids here bike to school, its kind of assumed when we grow up
Yup, the distance to the nearest primary school is 0.6km (0.38mi), to the nearest secondary school 2.3km (1.43mi). Most kids can manage that on their own after age 8 or so.
I recently started walking to work, because by bike it is only 11 minutes and I felt I did not get enough exersize. Walking takes up about 33 minutes for the same distance. With my precious job, it took me abou 25 minutes biking to work. I think that the travel time is an important factor in the selected mode of transportation.
They left out one important travel method: walking.
In Utrecht, if you don't bike, you walk usually.
The last chart did show the percentage and distance for walking compared to cars, bikes and transit.
Most cities in North America built in the XX century were deliberately built with the car in mind. The suburb doesn't make sense without cars, unless of course you have a very good local train network (which in the USA is almost close to impossible to find nowadays). You can see the opposite issue in Europe, too: very old cities are a nightmare to travel in a car, my city has existed for >2000 years and because of that the city centre has a lot of roads that only make sense if you expect most people to walk or at most ride a horse
Many things have happened since 2016 or 2018. It is much more busy on cyclepaths since corona. There don't seems to be data that is easily accessible. If someone can read CBS Statline, please tell more.
And the fact that many car drivers have a hatred of cyclists, and deliberately terrorise them.