>However, it has been shown in rat studies to reduce nicotine use and attenuate withdrawal symptoms associated with morphine and cocaine.
It seems most likely that someone in the supply chain is adding this to attempt harm reduction, it has been studied in rats and showed some positive effects.
One example: "Effect of administration of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist BTMPS, during nicotine self-administration, on lever responding induced by context long after withdrawal"
Also the dose they're actually detecting is tiny.
You probably inadvertently ingested more actual plastic today than a drug user would ingest from this.
This article like so many is being written in a way that is designed to incite fear instead of being informative or curious.
>As much as half of the fentanyl sold on Philly’s streets contains an industrial chemical used in plastics manufacturing.
I believe this is an entirely factual statement but the impression it will give nearly every reader is highly manipulative and false. The first sentence of the article.
The more interesting question is who is doing this and why, is some illicit drug manufacturer trying to make their drugs less dangerous? Could this be some clandestine "adulteration" of the drug supply to make it safer or less addictive?
The opposite is actually quite concerning, a disturbing number of chemicals used in plastics manufacturing are biologically active manipulating the functions of our nerves and endocrine system.
I guess this one might have a positive effect if you happen to be an opioid abuser, which is a silver lining I guess?
> They don’t weigh the consequences be it their health, family or social standing, etc.
Where do you get that? Plenty of people knowingly do unhealthy things while deep in shame, because they have difficulty controlling themselves, and bury themselves deeper in shame. Overcoming opiod withdrawl is very difficult.
>However, it has been shown in rat studies to reduce nicotine use and attenuate withdrawal symptoms associated with morphine and cocaine.
It seems most likely that someone in the supply chain is adding this to attempt harm reduction, it has been studied in rats and showed some positive effects.
One example: "Effect of administration of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist BTMPS, during nicotine self-administration, on lever responding induced by context long after withdrawal" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19772864/
Also the dose they're actually detecting is tiny.
You probably inadvertently ingested more actual plastic today than a drug user would ingest from this.
This article like so many is being written in a way that is designed to incite fear instead of being informative or curious.
>As much as half of the fentanyl sold on Philly’s streets contains an industrial chemical used in plastics manufacturing.
I believe this is an entirely factual statement but the impression it will give nearly every reader is highly manipulative and false. The first sentence of the article.
The more interesting question is who is doing this and why, is some illicit drug manufacturer trying to make their drugs less dangerous? Could this be some clandestine "adulteration" of the drug supply to make it safer or less addictive?
A dead user doesn’t buy any more fentanyl? Seems very logical
> As much as half of the fentanyl sold on Philly’s streets contains an industrial chemical used in plastics manufacturing.
Gives me vibes of warning about dihydrogen monoxide...
The opposite is actually quite concerning, a disturbing number of chemicals used in plastics manufacturing are biologically active manipulating the functions of our nerves and endocrine system.
I guess this one might have a positive effect if you happen to be an opioid abuser, which is a silver lining I guess?
Do people think users are going to be deterred by this additive at all? Is the additive a bridge too far for them? I seriously doubt it.
Addicts just want the hit. They don’t weigh the consequences be it their health, family or social standing, etc.
> They don’t weigh the consequences be it their health, family or social standing, etc.
Where do you get that? Plenty of people knowingly do unhealthy things while deep in shame, because they have difficulty controlling themselves, and bury themselves deeper in shame. Overcoming opiod withdrawl is very difficult.
> Addicts just want the hit.
That’s not really true. Most opioid addicts just want to avoid withdrawal, just like alcoholics want to avoid a hangover.
So if this plastic additive postpones withdrawal, wouldn't the street pushers be explicitly advertising it as some higher quality fentanyl?
Oh, no! My meth is cut with high fructose corn sugar! Into the trash it goes...