What counts as real linux? Is it that it runs a linux kernel, or runs a linux-libre kernel, or has a desktop linux user space as opposed to the android user space or a GNU user space, is it because real linux is meant to be unpopular such as desktop linux being unpopular while android is popular?
1. Here's the complete description: https://old.reddit.com/r/linuxhardware/comments/1jecn31/does... (old.reddit.com/r/linuxhardware/comments/1jecn31/does_it_count_as_linux_hardware_if_its_android_i/mihgxt8/)
2. See also: https://old.reddit.com/r/MotoG/comments/1j2g5gz/motorola_mot... (old.reddit.com/r/MotoG/comments/1j2g5gz/motorola_moto_g_play_2024_smartphone_termux/mgs67qz/)
What counts as real linux? Is it that it runs a linux kernel, or runs a linux-libre kernel, or has a desktop linux user space as opposed to the android user space or a GNU user space, is it because real linux is meant to be unpopular such as desktop linux being unpopular while android is popular?