No real argument as to why it is a 'problem." Using Meta's board as a reference, when Meta has failed miraculously at their metaverse play, where as Apple continues to be one of the richest companies ever, almost proves the point that Apple's board is fine?
It really sounds like p-hacking at work. Apple not doing Ok. Board age is ~66. Correlation must be causation.
I think SV is going to wake up to the fact that they have a serious problem not related to the age of their boards. Ppl are getting tired of their antics, especially that of the Buddy-in-Chief. They're picketing Tesla. They're getting uncomfortable with the product. Tired of hearing about AI taking jobs from them. Tired of being told they are slackers not worth a living wage, unlike the multi-billion-dollar CEO's triple and quadruple-dipping for obscene sums, allegedly on 4 hours of sleep. Come to think about it, what is there that is positive coming out of SV these days? It's as if they don't think they really need the public for anything. </rant>
No real argument as to why it is a 'problem." Using Meta's board as a reference, when Meta has failed miraculously at their metaverse play, where as Apple continues to be one of the richest companies ever, almost proves the point that Apple's board is fine?
It really sounds like p-hacking at work. Apple not doing Ok. Board age is ~66. Correlation must be causation.
I think SV is going to wake up to the fact that they have a serious problem not related to the age of their boards. Ppl are getting tired of their antics, especially that of the Buddy-in-Chief. They're picketing Tesla. They're getting uncomfortable with the product. Tired of hearing about AI taking jobs from them. Tired of being told they are slackers not worth a living wage, unlike the multi-billion-dollar CEO's triple and quadruple-dipping for obscene sums, allegedly on 4 hours of sleep. Come to think about it, what is there that is positive coming out of SV these days? It's as if they don't think they really need the public for anything. </rant>
Gross ageism.
DHH, the problem isn't age, or the lack of it, it's the lack of DIVERSITY.
Monocultures are destructive and they are self-destructive.
Silicon Valley doesn't need to bring its monoculture to the government that it just bought.