- 9Parkinson's treatment closer as problematic protein imaged for first time (newatlas.com)
- 467Apple Exclaves (randomaugustine.medium.com)
- 10SUSE doubles down on AI and Multi-Linux Support to prove it's still in the game (theregister.com)
- 36Certificate will expire on 14 March – update Firefox to prevent add-on breakage (blog.mozilla.org)
- 16Forking Chrome to render in a terminal (2023) (fathy.fr)
- 27Brave wants court to endorse scraping of News Corp content (theregister.com)
- 58Chrome for Android doesn't have extensions, but Edge now has a whole store
- 7What is VRAN: Virtualize Your Radio Access Network (intel.com)
- 5Foundations of Geopolitics (en.wikipedia.org)
- 22Shite: The little hot-reloadin' static site generator from shell (github.com)
- 150Online Embedded Rust Simulator (wokwi.com)
- 100Compiling C++ with the Clang API (maskray.me)
- 164NIST selects HQC as fifth algorithm for post-quantum encryption (nist.gov)
- 39Unix Needs a True Integrated Environment: CASE Closed (1989) [pdf] (bitsavers.org)
- 13Definite clause grammars and symbolic differentiation (bitsandtheorems.com)
- 419Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning (github.com)
- 1784A 10x Faster TypeScript (devblogs.microsoft.com)
- 36Contrary to Popular Belief, CPR Is Not as Successful as Many Think (discovermagazine.com)
- 833It is as if you were on your phone (pippinbarr.com)
- 408Ex-Facebook director's new book paints brutal image of Mark Zuckerberg (sfgate.com)
- 49Snapshots of Modern Mathematics from Oberwolfach (imaginary.org)
- 76Neonatal fungi: lifelong metabolic health via macrophage β cell development (science.org)
- 594AI tools are spotting errors in research papers (nature.com)
- 4IPv4 stash can now be collateral for $100M loans (theregister.com)
- 149Sorting algorithms with CUDA (ashwanirathee.com)
- 171Show HN: XPipe, a shell connection hub for SSH, Docker, K8s, VMs, and more (xpipe.io)
- 4Saudi Arabia's Megaproject Disaster (Patrick Boyle YouTube) [video] (youtube.com)
- 61Arranging invisible icons in quadratic time (2021) (randomascii.wordpress.com)
- 7Dr. Mehmet Oz may have underpaid Medicare and Social Security taxes (nbcnews.com)
- 173Woman's DNA discovered in 20k year old deer-tooth pendant (2023) (cbc.ca)