- 36Implementing "Tennis for Two" using op amps (2024) (blog.qiqitori.com)
- 131Lemma for the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory (susam.net)
- 19Motherboard dies after marathon 100-hour BIOS update process (tomshardware.com)
- 59Can a Geothermal Startup Vaporize Rock to Drill the Deepest Holes? (msn.com)
- 288Internet shutdowns at record high in Africa as access 'weaponised' (theguardian.com)
- 266America Is Missing The New Labor Economy – Robotics Part 1 (semianalysis.com)
- 361Steam Networks (worksinprogress.co)
- 259Transformers Without Normalization (jiachenzhu.github.io)
- 50Offline PKI using 3 Yubikeys and an ARM single board computer (vincent.bernat.ch)
- 108The masters of Commodore 64 games (spillhistorie.no)
- 67An Egyptian Temple Reborn (archaeology.org)
- 19Hours in a Hurricane, on a Race with No Course (nytimes.com)
- 107ArkFlow – High-performance Rust stream processing engine (github.com)
- 927Gemini Robotics (deepmind.google)
- 181What Bikini Atoll Looks Like Today (2017) (medium.com)
- 193A Post Mortem on the Gino Case (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
- 342TinyKVM: Fast sandbox that runs on top of Varnish (info.varnish-software.com)
- 106Porkbun partners with Proton (porkbun.com)
- 24Stop Using and Recommending React (blog.lusito.info)
- 73Implications of Global Privacy Control (developer.mozilla.org)
- 6CoreWeave Is Both a Time Bomb and a Bad Omen for Generative AI (wheresyoured.at)
- 107The 2008 coal ash disaster in Kingston, Tennessee (oxfordamerican.org)
- 85How Pi Almost Wasn't (mathenchant.wordpress.com)
- 224It doesn't cost much to improve someone's life (ourworldindata.org)
- 11Duke doctors perform first living mitral valve transplant (medicalxpress.com)
- 18Show HN: VeloPlanner – A cycling route planner focusing on official routes (veloplanner.com)
- 151Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution with Neural Heat Fields (therasr.github.io)
- 222Making Postgres scale (pgdog.dev)
- 640The Startup CTO's Handbook (github.com)
- 322The Church FAQ (whatever.scalzi.com)