- 8The Violent Rise of 'No Lives Matter' (wired.com)
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- 1Chinese scientists use amino acids to extract 99.99% lithium from old batteries (interestingengineering.com)
- 1The many ends of programming [video] (youtube.com)
- 7Recession forecasts: odds are starting to look like a coin flip (fortune.com)
- 2Google's Taara Hopes to Usher in a New Era of Internet Powered by Light (wired.com)
- 2AI and ML Study Notes (yaaang.notion.site)
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- 1Show HN: Try to Outsmart the Genie (out-wish-ai.vercel.app)
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- 8The head of a Biden program that could help rural broadband has left (theverge.com)
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- 5Ask HN: What are your plans when coding is obsolete?
ask - 3Best social network/forum for a beginner self-taught developer?
- 3Sleep patterns may reveal comatose patients with hidden consciousness (medicalxpress.com)
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- 1A physics lab inside your head: Quantum thought experiments (2023) (arxiv.org)
- 5Show HN: Create a local RAG AI in 2 minutes (github.com)
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