- 4Two mul or not two mul: how I found a 20% improvement in ed25519 in Golang (storj.dev)
- 1iRobot says there is "substantial doubt" about it as a "going concern" (arstechnica.com)
- 21Trump moves to close down Voice of America (bbc.com)
- 1Read Fewer Books (2020) (theschooloflife.com)
- 24'People are angry': A vibe shift is happening across the workforce (cnbc.com)
- 1Y Combinator startups fastest growing, profitable in fund history because of AI (cnbc.com)
- 2Certainty Transfer Effect (domofutu.substack.com)
- 2I'm kind of obsessed with keeping teams small (twitter.com)
- 1Computation in Physical Systems (plato.stanford.edu)
- 3Why DuckDB is my first choice for data processing (robinlinacre.com)
- 59How our noisy world is seriously damaging our health (bbc.com)
- 42Canadian Devs Are Backing Out of Attending GDC (wired.com)
- 2GPU Gems (developer.nvidia.com)
- 2The Man Behind Microsoft's Decadeslong Quest to Build a Quantum Computer (wsj.com)
- 1Mojo: Powerful CPU+GPU Programming (modular.com)
- 2Heart disease in gorillas is associated with altered gut microbial metabolism (nature.com)
- 3Hollow Core Fiber: What is it and why should you be interested [video] (youtube.com)
- 2Show HN: I using 6 days build AI-powered personalized learning platform (dux.athreei.com)
- 13The Hypercuriosity Theory of ADHD (epsig.substack.com)
- 1How to Visualize Hugging Faces 1.5M Models: An Interactive Atlas for ML Research (horwitz.ai)
- 3Avoiding the Automation of Your Heart (gurwinder.blog)
- 3Unofficial parental control apps put children's safety and privacy at risk (ucl.ac.uk)
- 10Sometimes Money Can Destroy You Faster Than Poverty (robkhenderson.com)
- 5Show HN: Put Diagrams in Your Code (cascii.app)
- 3Show HN: LetItGo – A Lightweight Scheduler in Go for Efficient Task Management (github.com)
- 1Cocaine Differentially Affects Mitochondrial Function Depending on Exposure Time (mdpi.com)
- 2Resilience doesn't always mean persevering – it can be inaction and silence, too (theconversation.com)
- 157AI Is Making Developers Dumb (eli.cx)
- 2My Career-Limiting Communication (queue.acm.org)
- 1Show HN: Explain stream processing watermark with a react comp in docs, by AI (docs.timeplus.com)