- 3Designing an ultra low power plant watering indicator (davidcapper.dev)
- 3What's Wrong with My Lightbulbs? (atomic14.substack.com)
- 1We made "Laravel for JavaScript" and got 15,000 gh stars. Here's the backstory (old.reddit.com)
- 1The first electric motor glider (fundernation.eu)
- 1ASU-led Southwest Sustainability Innovation Engine funds promising tech startups (news.asu.edu)
- 7Ask HN: How to stop Google from autocorrecting our company name?
ask - 2Making a Musical Instrument [video] (youtube.com)
- 1Settling in to a book (blog.tendollaradventure.com)
- 3Docs: Open-source collaborative notes, wiki, and documentation platform by the (docs.numerique.gouv.fr)
- 1Show HN: Markdownify (1 click .md copy for any webpage) (chromewebstore.google.com)
- 8Show HN: Computer – Build Your Manus AI Agent with an OSS macOS Sandbox (github.com)
- 3The Hypertext Maximalism note-taking system (ezhik.jp)
- 7Young scientists' career pathways vanish as schools adapt to federal funds cuts (phys.org)
- 1Abbreviations (abbreviations.com)
- 2Technical Writing (developers.google.com)
- 35Taking Sex Differences in Personality Seriously (scientificamerican.com)
- 18Media Blackout: America's Poorest Counties Devastated by Catastrophic Flooding (youtube.com)
- 4Now you don't even need code to be a programmer. But you do still need expertise (theguardian.com)
- 2My Thoughts on the Future of "AI" (nicholas.carlini.com)
- 3Asdlearn: Create flashcards to learn any topic (asdlearn.com)
- 3How Cursor (and AI IDEs Generally) Work (blog.sshh.io)
- 4Browser market "is holding back innovation in the UK" (gov.uk)
- 1Practices, Principles, Values (2014) (brodzinski.com)
- 9Duke doctors perform first living mitral valve transplant (medicalxpress.com)
- 10Entropy is all you need? The quest for best tokens and the new physics of LLMs (cds.cern.ch)
- 1How do animals sound across languages? (pudding.cool)
- 3Scientists Just Mapped 130M Stars to Reveal the Universe's Hidden Haze (scitechdaily.com)
- 7Watching nature scenes can reduce pain, new study shows (news.exeter.ac.uk)
- 2Humanoid helpers are now entering our homes (freethink.com)
- 2A "biohybrid" robotic hand built using real human muscle cells (arstechnica.com)