- 156Samsung bricked their home theater systems through automated firmware update (us.community.samsung.com)
- 46The 2FA app that tells you when you get `314159` (2024) (blog.jacobstechtavern.com)
- 50Block Diffusion: Interpolating Between Autoregressive and Diffusion Models (arxiv.org)
- 70I'm Peter Roberts, immigration attorney who does work for YC and startups. AMA
- 232I-cant-believe-its-not-webusb: Hacking around lack of WebUSB support in Firefox (github.com)
- Prequel (YC W21) Is Hiring a Strong Front End Engineer (ycombinator.com)
job - 32Show HN: CodeVideo – Two years in the making to build an event-sourced IDE (studio.codevideo.io)
- 143Apparently magpies and crows are using “anti-bird spikes” to make nests (2023) (audubon.org)
- 22The Cassowary Linear Arithmetic Constraint Solving Algorithm [pdf] (2002) (constraints.cs.washington.edu)
- 115AMD's Strix Halo – Under the Hood (chipsandcheese.com)
- 275My Scammer Girlfriend: Baiting a Romance Fraudster (bentasker.co.uk)
- 11Briar: Peer to Peer Encrypted Messaging (briarproject.org)
- 101In S3 simplicity is table stakes (allthingsdistributed.com)
- 271TinyKVM: Fast sandbox that runs on top of Varnish (info.varnish-software.com)
- 401Y Combinator urges the White House to support Europe's Digital Markets Act (techcrunch.com)
- 107Stoicism's Appeal to the Rich and Powerful (2019) (exurbe.com)
- 258The Church FAQ (whatever.scalzi.com)
- 495The Lost Art of Logarithms (lostartoflogarithms.com)
- 704OpenAI asks White House for relief from state AI rules (finance.yahoo.com)
- 512“Normal” engineers are the key to great teams (spectrum.ieee.org)
- 4Architect of classic Hollywood gets his own star turn (latimes.com)
- 29Liu Jiakun Receives the 2025 Pritzker Architecture Prize (pritzkerprize.com)
- 23Fediverse Donut Club (sethmlarson.dev)
- 26Why Do Transit Agencies Keep Falling for the Hydrogen Bus Myth? (cleantechnica.com)
- 17'A lot worse than expected': AI Pac-Man clones, reviewed (theguardian.com)
- 73Creative Fansubbing Techniques: Part 2 (md-subs.com)
- 341Steam Networks (worksinprogress.co)
- 18How ProPublica Uses AI in Its Investigations (propublica.org)
- 163C Plus Prolog (github.com)
- 385IO Devices and Latency (planetscale.com)