- 187Local Deep Research – ArXiv, wiki and other searches included (github.com)
- 26Show HN: AliasVault – Open-source password manager with built-in email aliases (aliasvault.net)
- 97Space Invaders (computerarcheology.com)
- 69Interprocedural Sparse Conditional Type Propagation (railsatscale.com)
- 15Recommendations for designing magic numbers of binary file formats (hackers.town)
- 74Modern Baby: A pioneering computer from Manchester (thechipletter.substack.com)
- 38We Were Badly Misled About the Event That Changed Our Lives (nytimes.com)
- 195Honey Bunnies (mameson.com)
- 15Ask HN: How to use social media as an indie dev?
ask - 200Show HN: Bubbles, a vanilla JavaScript web game (ehmorris.com)
- 346Open-UI: Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption (github.com)
- 64Definite clause grammars and symbolic differentiation (bitsandtheorems.com)
- 297The cultural divide between mathematics and AI (sugaku.net)
- 270NASA to launch space observatory that will map 450M galaxies (nbcnews.com)
- 236Statistical Formulas for Programmers (2013) (evanmiller.org)
- 260The Einstein AI Model (thomwolf.io)
- 181Shenmue (1999) reverse engineering reveals possible sun position oversight (wulinshu.com)
- 67Ask HN: How much traffic do you serve and with which database engine?
ask - 27Czech scientists study trees' ability to absorb traffic noise (english.radio.cz)
- 74In contrast to Earth, Mars's middle atmosphere appears driven by gravity waves (phys.org)
- 304With AI you need to think bigger (rodyne.com)
- 15Open source payments and billing infrastructure (github.com)
- 6New Reddit controls let you block your most-hated advertisers for a year (arstechnica.com)
- 74Fitness Trackers Are Only 67% Accurate, New Research Finds (wellnesspulse.com)
- 202Zero-Downtime Kubernetes Deployments on AWS with EKS (glasskube.dev)
- 351'Uber for nurses' exposes 86K+ medical records, PII via open S3 bucket (websiteplanet.com)
- 124An election forecast that’s 50-50 is not “giving up” (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
- 37Show HN: MCPGod: Fine-grained control over MCP clients, servers, and tools (github.com)
- 726Show HN: Seven39, a social media app that is only open for 3 hours every evening (seven39.com)
- 233Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28 (arstechnica.com)