- 3Imagining the Dinosaurs: How art, science combined to bring a lost world to life (worldhistory.substack.com)
- 56Tiny changes in gene expression make big difference in eye size of fruit flies (phys.org)
- 746Show HN: Factorio Learning Environment – Agents Build Factories (jackhopkins.github.io)
- 20I spent 181 minutes waiting for the Zig compiler this week (zackoverflow.dev)
- 3Ask HN: Best Way to Build MS-DOS-Style Text UI in the Browser?
ask - 45Reversing Samsung's H-Arx Hypervisor Framework (Part 1) (dayzerosec.com)
- 4I got 100% off my train travel (readbunce.com)
- 3The Myth of Liquid Detection (eclecticlight.co)
- 46"Have Quotes About Salieri" (contingentmagazine.org)
- 5Data Broker Brags About Having Detailed Personal Info on Nearly All Net Users (gizmodo.com)
- 128Internationalization-puzzles: Daily programming puzzles just like Advent of Code (i18n-puzzles.com)
- 16The Hypercuriosity Theory of ADHD (epsig.substack.com)
- 28Show HN: LLM-docs, software documentation intended for consumption by LLMs (github.com)
- 3A Conversation Algorithm I Cribbed from Clinical Psychologists (taylor.town)
- 77When Crocodiles Attack: The Ramree Island Massacre (2013) (atlasobscura.com)
- 249New York Times shut down Tor Onion service (open.nytimes.com)
- 401I stopped everything and started writing C again (kmx.io)
- 3Elastic Restaking Networks (arxiv.org)
- 97Evidence that Neanderthal and Homo sapiens engaged in cultural exchange (phys.org)
- 9They came to Canada to chase a dream. Now they're being forced to leave (thestar.com)
- 289Reverse engineering OpenAI code execution to make it run C and JavaScript (twitter.com)
- 271xlskubectl – a spreadsheet to control your Kubernetes cluster (github.com)
- 74The long flight to teach an endangered ibis species to migrate (newyorker.com)
- 5Data Broker Brags About Having Highly Detailed Information on Nearly All Users (gizmodo.com)
- 68Show HN: CodeVideo – Two years in the making to build an event-sourced IDE (studio.codevideo.io)
- 38The Day Hobie Made Nixon a Surfboard (surfer.com)
- 185A new Sudoku layout with 81 uniquely shaped cells (danielchasehooper.com)
- 421The Future Is Niri (ersei.net)
- 324Sidekick: Local-first native macOS LLM app (github.com)
- 3Using Time Travel for Procrastination (medium.com)