- 2The Man Behind Microsoft's Decadeslong Quest to Build a Quantum Computer (wsj.com)
- 1Mojo: Powerful CPU+GPU Programming (modular.com)
- 2Heart disease in gorillas is associated with altered gut microbial metabolism (nature.com)
- 3Hollow Core Fiber: What is it and why should you be interested [video] (youtube.com)
- 2Show HN: I using 6 days build AI-powered personalized learning platform (dux.athreei.com)
- 13The Hypercuriosity Theory of ADHD (epsig.substack.com)
- 1How to Visualize Hugging Faces 1.5M Models: An Interactive Atlas for ML Research (horwitz.ai)
- 3Avoiding the Automation of Your Heart (gurwinder.blog)
- 3Unofficial parental control apps put children's safety and privacy at risk (ucl.ac.uk)
- 10Sometimes Money Can Destroy You Faster Than Poverty (robkhenderson.com)
- 5Show HN: Put Diagrams in Your Code (cascii.app)
- 3Show HN: LetItGo – A Lightweight Scheduler in Go for Efficient Task Management (github.com)
- 1Cocaine Differentially Affects Mitochondrial Function Depending on Exposure Time (mdpi.com)
- 2Resilience doesn't always mean persevering – it can be inaction and silence, too (theconversation.com)
- 156AI Is Making Developers Dumb (eli.cx)
- 2My Career-Limiting Communication (queue.acm.org)
- 1Show HN: Explain stream processing watermark with a react comp in docs, by AI (docs.timeplus.com)
- 3Online Mensa IQ Test (test.mensa.no)
- 1Empirical Testing of Random Number Generators (2009) (simul.iro.umontreal.ca)
- 2Links copied from project READMEs now add "?tab=readme-ov-file" query parameter (github.com)
- 122Tcl Tutorial (tcl-lang.org)
- 2Animal poo can be used to save endangered species from extinction (theguardian.com)
- 1Freelancers, how do you handle late payments? (payprompt.app)
- 2HTTP/3 is everywhere but nowhere (httptoolkit.com)
- 1Manus AI Pushes the DeepSeek Moment Further (bloomberg.com)
- 3The ChatGPT Edge: Why Regular People Are Embracing $200 AI Bills (bloomberg.com)
- 91Microsoft's 1986 IPO (dfarq.homeip.net)
- 1Read and share anything on our site for free this weekend (thetimes.com)
- 1Simulating a Quantum Computer in Umka (gist.github.com)
- 2Reframing "Freemium" by charging the marketing department (2013) (longform.asmartbear.com)