- 5Revenge Font (revengefont.com)
- 237Apple has locked me in the same cage Microsoft's built for Windows 10 users (theregister.com)
- 19Saturn solidifies its title as moon king with the discovery of 128 new moons (cbc.ca)
- 532Canon EF and RF Lenses – All Autofocus Motors (exclusivearchitecture.com)
- 47Fast-PNG: PNG image decoder and encoder (github.com)
- 38Parnassus plays (en.wikipedia.org)
- 585Samsung Q990D unresponsive after 1020 firmware update (us.community.samsung.com)
- 190Magnesium Self-Experiments (gwern.net)
- 67Percolation Theory [pdf] (web.mit.edu)
- 205AI-Generated Voice Evidence Poses Dangers in Court (lawfaremedia.org)
- 21Celebrating 8 years of self-hosting Mail-in-a-Box – nilsnh.no (nilsnh.no)
- 280The 2005 Sony Bravia ad (sfgate.com)
- 141Show HN: Editable Games (playscl.com)
- 106STEPS Toward the Reinvention of Programming (2012) [pdf] (tinlizzie.org)
- 130'Profit-Enhancing Middlemen' Fuel $200B Health-Care Chaos (bloomberg.com)
- 87Representing Type Lattices Compactly (bernsteinbear.com)
- 15SUSE Displays Enhanced Enterprise Linux at Susecon (thenewstack.io)
- 50Somehow, I don't feel comfortable (momoyotorimitsu.com)
- 5Warren Buffett saw the selloff coming and hoarded cash (fortune.com)
- 10Letscage.com – P2P encrypted messaging app (letscage.com)
- 3English Multinyms (people.sc.fsu.edu)
- 91Ask HN: How do you handle VAT / Sales Tax accounting as B2C SaaS?
ask - 72Show HN: Program Explorer, a container playground (programexplorer.org)
- 75More mysterious DNS root query traffic from a large cloud/DNS operator (2022) (blog.apnic.net)
- 4Building AI agents to query your databases (blog.dust.tt)
- 25Breaking AES encrypted firmware using neural networks (something.fromnothing.blog)
- 9Getting Back to the EU: From Google Cloud to Self-Hosted EU Infrastructure (pgaleone.eu)
- 28Abuse at the Max-Planck Institutes in Germany (dw.com)
- 98Show HN: VSC – An open source 3D Rendering Engine in C++ (github.com)
- 4Show HN: Automatically Date Audio from Appliance Noises (datethis.app)